Huiji Fruity Lite Extra is an award-winning natural digestive drink specially manufactured through advanced scientific methods to help you cleanse your system and enable your bowel movements easily. With its delightful, refreshing taste and health benefits aiding digestion, Fruity Lite Extra is sugar-free and contains added vitamin C and xylitol. Now health and weight-conscious youths can enjoy this drink without the fear of consuming too much sugar. Without any artificial colouring or flavouring, this beverage is the perfect healthy alternative to quench your thirst and can be taken twice or thrice a day.
- Helps to aid digestion
- Helps to clear excess oil
- Expel body toxins
- Improve blood circulation
- Produce collagen
- Effective against fighting bacteria
- Maintain fresh breath
- Boost immune system
- 1 sachet, 2 to 3 times a day
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