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我们非常看重信息维护,您的隐私对我们很重要。 因此,我们将仅以本隐私政策中规定的方式处理您的姓名和与您有关的其他信息。我们将收集有需要的交易信息。另外,我们只会在法律要求下或有需要时保留您的信息。
您无需提供您的个人资料就能浏览我们的网站, 。在您浏览我们的网站期间,您的资料将无法被追踪,除非您已在我们的网站向我们注册了一个汇集帐户,并使用您的用户名和密码登录,否则我们将无法识别您的身份。
使用您在社交网站的登录网站,或 (ii) 使用社交网站的任何功能,例如小器物、插件和浏览器推送通知,这可能会导致我们与第三方之间收集或共享您的个人数据。例如,如果您使用 Facebook 的“点赞”功能,Facebook 可能会注册您“点赞”了某个产品,并可能在 Facebook 上发布该信息。 (“社交网站”是指由第三方拥有或运营的在线或数字平台,供人们用于建立社交网络或社交关系,或与其他人互动,例如但不限于 Facebook, Instagram、Twitter、Tiktok)。通过您根据上述 (i) 或 (ii) 进行的程序,您同意此类收集、使用或透露您的个人数据;
(i)与本网站的其他用户分享或透露(由我们自行决定)您通过社交网站、本网站或我们提供的建议、评论、反馈或内容(包括音频、视频等)(统称为“评论”)网站或面向公众,用于宣传和/或促销目的,以营销或展示汇集新加坡的业务,和/或获取客户,和/或向公众提供可能有用的评论为公众的购买决定或公众的信息或其他。这包括我们将您的姓名与您的评论一起透露。在不限制上述一般性的情况下,在上述方面,我们可能/将会在报纸、互联网等公共媒体平台上,在我们(包括我们的附属公司)的年度报告中(如果任何)等,和/或作为汇集新加坡促销资料/材料或公司视频的一部分向公众透露,您在此同意相同的内容。如果您不希望向公众披露此类反馈,请不要向我们提供反馈。如果您希望在不向公众透露的情况下向我们提供您的评论,请分别发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 给我们的营销部门发送电子邮件, 并在邮件主题中添加“会员隐私”一词;
(j)在您向我们表示同意的情况下,无论该同意是通过本网站获得的,还是与本网站的其他用户或与/向公众共享您的会员资料个人资料或向本网站的其他用户披露的我们自行决定选择的网站或任何其他媒体(无论是印刷、在线或其他方式)或通信平台,例如但不限于作为汇集新加坡促销资料/材料或公司视频的一部分。 “汇集会员资料个人资料”包括您的姓名、购买的产品、评论等您提供的信息;
(m)出于促销目的,在这方面,我们将向您提供与产品、竞赛、服务和/或活动(包括汇集新加坡可能与之合作的第三方组织的那些)相关的营销、广告和促销信息、材料和/或文件) 汇集新加坡(包括其附属营销子公司/关联公司)或此类第三方组织可能正在销售、营销、促销、组织、参与或推广,无论此类产品、服务和/或活动现在存在还是在未来:
(i)通过邮寄、电子传输到您的电子邮件地址,和/或通过不属于 3 DNC 模式的其他通信方式,符合 PDPA。您可以随时通过向我们的数据保护官发送电子邮件来选择退出。为免产生疑问,与下文 (ii) 不同,本隐私政策的适用或您接受或同意,即构成您对本文 (i) 项的同意;和/或
(ii)如果您单独表示同意以下 3 种 DNC 模式中的一种或多种,通过语音电话、短信或传真的 3 种通信模式(“3 种 DNC 模式”)发送到您的新加坡电话号码,符合PDPA 的要求。
For the avoidance of doubt, this subparagraph is without prejudice to subparagraph (r) below for which you have hereby consented to us contacting you for a survey, which you may subsequently opt out of by sending our Data Protection Officer notice;
(n) carrying out due diligence or other screening activities (including background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations (whether Singapore or foreign Country/Region) applicable to us or our affiliates/associated companies, the requirements or guidelines of governmental authorities (whether Singapore or foreign Country/Region) which we determine are applicable to us or our affiliates/associated companies, and/or our risk management procedures that may be required by law (whether Singapore or foreign Country/Region) or that may have been put in place by us or our affiliates/associated companies;
(o) to prevent or investigate any fraud, unlawful activity, omission or misconduct, whether or not there is any suspicion of the aforementioned; dealing with and/or investigating complaints;
(p) complying with or as required by any applicable law, court order, order of a regulatory body, governmental or regulatory requirements of any jurisdiction applicable to us or our affiliates/associated companies, including meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding us or our affiliates/associated companies, and/or for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities (whether of Singapore or elsewhere), with which we or our affiliates/associated companies are expected to comply;
(q) Abiding with or as required by any request or direction of any governmental authority (whether Singapore or foreign Country/Region) which we are expected to comply with; or responding to requests for information from public agencies, ministries, statutory boards or other similar authorities (including but not limited to Singapore Customs and Ministry of Health) (whether Singapore or foreign Country/Region). For the avoidance of doubt, this means that we may/will disclose your Personal Data to such parties upon their request or direction;
(r) conducting research (including customer research), surveys, market surveys, analysis and/or development activities (including but not limited to data analytics, surveys and/or profiling) to improve our services and facilities, or to improve our understanding of your interests, concerns and preferences, in order to enhance any continued interaction between yourself and us connected or in relation to the Site, or improve any of our products or services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we may/will in this regard send you surveys or request a face to face interview survey, by way of email or postal mail;
(s) dealing with and/or facilitating a business asset transaction or a potential business assert transaction, where such transaction involves Huiji Singapore as a participant or involves only a related corporation or affiliated company of Huiji Singapore as a participant or involves Huiji Singapore and/or any one or more of Huiji Singapore’s related corporations or affiliated companies as participant(s), and there may be other third party organisations who are participants in such transaction. “Business asset transaction” means the purchase, sale, lease, merger or amalgamation or any other acquisition, disposal or financing of an organisation or a portion of an organisation or of any of the business or assets of an organisation;
(t) to implement and maintain our information technology systems, including to store and process Personal Data in computer databases and servers located within and outside Singapore;
(u) anonymization of your Personal Data. In this regard, you acknowledge that Personal Data that has been anonymized is no longer Personal Data and the requirements of the PDPA would no longer apply to such anonymized data;
(v) record-keeping purposes and producing statistics and research for internal and/or statutory reporting and/or record-keeping requirements, of Huiji Singapore or of its affiliates/related corporations; and
(w) Huiji’s Singapore, Huay Feng Hang Group Companies’ or Huay Feng Hang’s parent corporation’s reporting purposes including but not limited to reporting on Huiji Singapore’s business performance (“Huiji Singapore Group Companies” means Huiji Singapore, its marketing affiliates, related corporations and associated companies globally);
(the purposes set out in this paragraph above shall be collectively referred to as the “Purposes”).
For the avoidance of doubt, you acknowledge and consent to Huiji Singapore sharing anonymised information such as but not limited to in the following circumstances. For the further avoidance of doubt, the PDPA does not apply to anonymised data that does not identify an individual and the PDPA does not provide you with a right to object to an organisation handling or processing anonymised data:
(a) Aggregate information. We may share anonymised aggregate information about our customers with advertisers and marketing partners;
(b) Behavioural-based advertising. A third party may use technology to collect anonymised information about your use of Site so that they can provide advertising about products and services tailored to your interest. That advertising may appear either when you are using the Site, or using the Internet or your mobile device to visit other websites.
当您浏览汇集网站时,我们网站的服务器将自动记录您浏览网站时的数据。 此数据可能包括:
如果您对我们给予的查询资料或投诉方式不满意,请随时联系我们。您可通过[email protected]联系我们。 [email protected].
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