新加坡屡获殊荣的保健品——汇集补腰精。自1988年以來深受顾客的信賴以及推荐。採用了100%天然上等药材提炼而成,如冬虫夏草(已经过发酵)、杜仲、人参、熟地黄、当归、大枣。无添加蔗糖和酒精,并获得清真认证。口味甘平,气芳香。它适合日常食用,包括 正在哺乳的妈妈 和素食者也可饮用。
Subscribe now to lock in $55.40/btl for 12 months!
汇补精获得清真认证(HALAL),它是由100%上等天然草药提炼而成。无酒精也无添加蔗糖,适合上班族、正在哺乳的妈妈、年长者、7岁以上的儿童、素食者,都均可安心饮用。 正在哺乳的妈妈,7岁以上的小孩,工作者和老年人。
$110.80 – $221.60
Register here to enjoy an additional $5 OFF* upon check-out now!
*Get $5 OFF with a minimum purchase of $30 worth of products.
新加坡屡获殊荣的保健品——汇集补腰精。自1988年以來深受顾客的信賴以及推荐。採用了100%天然上等药材提炼而成,如冬虫夏草(已经过发酵)、杜仲、人参、熟地黄、当归、大枣。无添加蔗糖和酒精,并获得清真认证。口味甘平,气芳香。它适合日常食用,包括 正在哺乳的妈妈 和素食者也可饮用。
冬虫夏草(已发酵) 500毫克
杜仲 1000公克
人参 6000毫克
源自中国,已被采用高大4,000年。 它能治愈各种疾病,如促进新陈代谢,在患病期间调节身体,保护器官免受感染。
当归 14000毫克
大枣 30000毫克
成人: 每次20毫升,一日两次。
哺乳妈妈: 每次30毫升,一日两次。
儿童: 每次10毫升,一日两次。
Hubby and I loves to drink this even before, and we love that it has a lot of positive benefits for our health which include:
Huiji Tonic’s 100% premium TCM herbs can help alleviate back pain and have various health benefits! Simply drink a cup of 20ml per day to see the benefits. The drink is very nice to consume as is neither bitter nor sweet!
I been taking Huiji Health Tonic and it’s really helps a lot. What I love about Huiji Tonic it doesn’t taste bitter at all! Huiji Tonic’s is 100% premium TCM herbs helps alleviate back pain!
I tried @huijisingapore health tonic that I started to see improvement to my condition. Huiji uses 100% premium TCM herbs to help alleviate my back pain and it has worked for me.
I used to find myself in pain after a long day of sitting, or due to bad posture. Glad to try #HuijiWaistTonic which is a natural herbal remedy since last year! The taste is pleasant and smooth – not bitter too!
After trying #HuijiWaistTonic I really feel my aches reduce significantly, and I can even carry both of my kids at the same time for a short distance, or lifting my young kid high up in the sky when playing with her in the pool. Huiji Tonic’s 100% TCM herbs helps alleviate my back pain besides other health benefits and I must say I’m really impressed with it.
Ever since i started drinking #HuijiWaistTonic regularly and appropriate exercises, it helps alleviate my back pain, strengthens my body and the waist, relieves muscle stiffness and many more benefits
I started out drinking #HuijiWaistTonic for awhile now and it really helps to alleviate my back pain.
100% TCM Herbs, what else can I ask for?!
Also! If you think that because it is chinese herbs therefore it will be bitter, I thought so too and never have I been so wrong! It is definitely managable and actually pretty tasty too!
I got mine through their website and what impressed me most was I received mine the next day!
@huijisingapore offers the Health Tonic drink to which I have personally tried and found it pretty effective in terms of health invigoration and benefits!
Having it daily will improve blood circulation and overcome fatigue. I prefer to take a small cup each night of 20ml before going to bed and you can really smell the herbs while drinking.
Huiji Tonic’s is 100% premium TCM herbs and helps alleviate back pain. I must say I am very impressed with how it has worked for me so far and it doesn’t taste very bitter 👍 No more backaching during work where I can stay more focus and concentrate.
Apart from my digestive enzymes, Huiji Health Tonic is what I have been taking every day (except menses week). Averagely took a month to finish a bottle of health tonic and I’m happy to share that Huiji now has a subscription plan for it!
Huiji Tonic’s 100% premium CM herbs help alleviate back pain!
Amazing it’s now my daily drink! 🥃🥃🥃
I also love that it’s easy to drink and it’s not bitter at all!!
Adding Huiji Health Tonic (to my dish) as it’s not only delicious, it also brings many health benefits to your body. This soup is not just good for us or confinement mommies, but also good for anyone or even kids to build up body immunity.
With premium TCM herbs used, Huiji Health Tonic brings these key benefits including:
💪🏻 Improves blood circulation
💪🏻 Alleviates menstrual fatigue
💪🏻 Nourishes Yin & blood
The taste is quite pleasant & it doesn’t contain alcohol. All you need is 20ml twice a day to enhance your menstrual health.
I’ll definitely recommend this supplement for mummies after delivery, especially breastfeeding mums. Instead of buying chicken essence or bird’s nest for your friends who’ve just delivered their baby, please get them Huiji Waist tonic, it’s a 💯 life saver for my aching waist!
I also recall drinking this 6-in-1 TCM supplement neat, and even though it is a TCM tonic drink, the taste is pleasant and smooth to the palate! Nice herbal taste, no sugar and no alcohol! Thanks to their introduction, I’m still taking Huiji Health Tonic even till now to help me cope better through the day, boost my immunity, and relieve my sore body aches!
Huiji Health Tonic not only provides relief for my aching Waist and knees, it nourishes my vital energy, “yin” and blood too. Unlike some other TCM that I have tried, Huiji Health Tonic is rather sweet and pleasant to consume with no bitter aftertaste.
This mighty tonic is a 6-in-1 TCM Supplement that is suitable for all ages to consume (alcohol and sugar free!)
We hit pan on this like no other as my mom loves incorporating this into marinades for meats, stir-fries and to add flavor to sauces and braises!
Got myself this @huijisingapore Huiji Health Tonic Bundle as my body hasn’t been feeling at its best recently……
Thus I decided to get this Huiji Health Tonic Bundle for myself, which consists of the Huiji Health Tonic – their best-selling 6-in-1 TCM Supplement
I tried the tonic and was surprised that it tasted pleasant, unlike other typical TCM. The best part is that it is suitable for the entire family hence I decided to purchase a set to help boost their health.
This 6-in-1 TCM Supplement from @huijisingapore that tastes super good, unlike other typical TCM Tonic!!
[My husband] has rosy cheeks and it’s partially the credit of Huiji Health Tonic that he has been consuming for years. It brings many health benefits using 100% premium TCM herbs that help to alleviate back pain, improve blood circulation, boost immunity, build vitality and keep you feeling energetic throughout the day and all these without added sugar or alcohol. He usually drinks this on its own but sometimes I would use it as a cooking ingredient to enhance the flavor of dishes.
Huiji WaistTonic doesn’t have any herb taste or smell, I’ll drink this tonic every night and it indeed helps in my back relief and with better blood circulation I have a better night sleep too! 😴💤
Huiji Health Tonic is a 6-in-1 TCM supplement that helps to keep my energy level up throughout the day, it also nourishes vital energy, boosts the immune system and promotes blood circulation, and relieves backache for my body! It does not contain any alcohol or added sugar as well!
I have been taking it for a while, and I must say, I feel a lot more energetic now!
It is a 𝟔-𝐢𝐧-𝟏 𝐓𝐂𝐌 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 which I wouldn’t dread drinking every morning before I start my work.
@huijisingapore health tonic tastes good, unlike other typical TCM tonics. 🙊 It’s also suitable for all ages and can be used to add on to ur dishes to make them yummier 🤤
Huiji Health Tonic came off as a pleasant surprise because it tastes pretty good! A little sweet, and kind of tastes like herbal tea. I usually have it before my workout routine to give my best performance.
因為工作每次往外跑,也都因為現代都市人工作忙碌,生活節奏緊迫,經常會腰酸背痛。定期飲用腰部保健品也是很重要的。匯集補腰精的獨特健康益處也包括促進血液循環和增加活力。除了即喝以外,還可以加入烹煮雞湯/ 藥材湯 ,味道也非常好喝
我的身体受不了含有太高酒精的补酒。让我高兴的是汇集补药精不含添加酒精。喝了后,感觉身体微热。并不像喝了补酒就满脸红透,心脏跳率加速。特别喜欢这种药性温和的补品。我的肠胃比较不好,肚子很容易涨风。我坚持早晚各喝一小杯 (10ml), 排胀气的频率也高了。整个人也精神了许多
Siti Mariani (FB) “Good for health, easy to cook herbal chicken soup for the whole family. with good recipes ingredients easy stir up a delicious soup for the day.
Received in good condition. Love the freebies too. This health tonic is awesome, my family loves taking it.
Receive items with the free ginseng. It's for mum.
Ordered multiple times for my mom. It is a good product based on mom's feedback. She even recommended to other relatives to try.
24 April, 2020
Mother's Day gift for my mum and she likes it. Repeat purchase.
1 May, 2020
Bought for my mom who has been drinking for more than 10 years. Bought on 11 Nov and received it on 14 Nov. Also include 5 sachets of different samples.
22 May, 2020
My mum loves it. Thanks. Lucky no damage the gift packaging as the exterior packaging arrived damaged.
22 May, 2020
Received in good condition. Hope so can help my mom for recovery fast.
15 June, 2020
Bought for my mum. She has been taking this for more than 10 yrs.
26 Feb, 2021
A monthly supplement for mum. She has been taking for 3 - 4 months, hope is good.
4 Mar, 2021
Ordered for my mother, who has been taking Huiji all this while. Cheaper than buying from supermart.
20 Mar, 2021
3rd time purchase for my daughter-in-law who just gave birth. I'm taking the tonic too. Very effective for rheumatism.
Fast delivery! Repeat purchase as the product is effective to relieve sleeplessness and fatigue. Long expiry dates for the products. Keep the freebies coming.
This is my 5th bottle. I swear by it. I have significantly less aches and pains after drinking this. I am no longer relying on coffee to keep me awake during the day.